venerdì 9 giugno 2017

Workshop: Carnival des Voix – Toronto 14th Jul 2017 

This event is sponsored and hosted by CS Info Centre
Free workshops for those who struggle with experiences like hearing voices that get called names like “psychosis”, and that can be isolating and difficult to live with, and difficult to talk about.

Friday 14th July
1pm to 4pm
Training Room A
CAMH 1001 Queen St., West

RSVP / To  Register:

Phone    416 595-2882

This innovative practical workshop – do stuff ! and make stuff !  – introduces simple ways we can express and give voice to human experiences that can be both difficult to live with and difficult to talk about.
Includes mask making and puppet making;  and an easy introduction to simple yet powerful approaches we can use to reclaim our power and find our voice.
Carnival des Voix workshop introduces a creative innovative approach that will be showcased at the World Hearing Voices Congress.

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