mercoledì 5 luglio 2023

IL DIRITTO FRAGILE, ospiti Diego del Collettivo Artaud di Pisa e Sondra madre di Mattia - Ill-treatments in the Italian structure Stella Maris Foundation

FRAGILE LAW: guests Diego of the Artaud Collective and Sondra, mother of Mattia.
The episode will talk about the ill-treatment that took place in the summer of 2016 within the structure of Montalto di Fauglia, in the province of Pisa, managed by the Stella Maris Foundation.

"Diritti alla follia - Rights to Madness" continues with the weekly online meetings!
We look forward to seeing you and waiting for your reports and willingness to tell you about it.
To participate as a speaker or with a personal testimony, write to

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