venerdì 23 dicembre 2016

Giorgio Antonucci 22/12/2016 - Poesie

Lungo viaggio in tetre istituzioni.
Sono sfuggito a notti impossibili.
Ora respiro i chiarori dell'aurora.

                                       Long trip to bleak institutions.
                                       They have escaped from impossible nights.
                                       Now I breath the dawn's brightness.


Peggiori le Torture Morali di quelle fisiche,
queste ultime fanno maledire di esser nati.

                      Moral Tortures are worst than the physical ones,
                      those makes you curse to be born.


Deserti e vulcani di Luna.

                                          Deserts and volcanoes of the moon.


Cronache del Belice durante i disastri terribili del 1968.
Il terremoto continuava e la madre non sapeva se stare
con il bambino piccolo fuori al freddo o dentro le stanze
con pericolo per le continue scosse e per le mura fragili.

                                                 Chronicles of Belice during the terrible disasters of 1968.
                                                 The earthquake continued and the mother did not know whether to stay
                                                 with the small child out in the cold or inside the rooms
                                                 with the danger to the continuous strikes and the fragile walls.

Musica di pianeti

                                                  Far planet's music.

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